Does bowwow like lil`romeo..........

Last year bowwow had said on a radio station that he like Lil`Romeo but he would not hang out with him because romeo
is not his age and he is still a child ,Bowwow also said that master.P had called him several timez to hang out with
romeo and make movies and videoz with romeo but bowwow said no. My question is ,does bowwow like romeo and does Lil`Romeo
like bowwow ? i really dont know ..........(why are they taking pic 2 gether and hanging out 2 gether now did Master.P pay
bowwow 2 hang out with Romeo!)

Lil`Romeo Birthday pasted 8/19/05,I heard that his parents spend on his party over $600,000 (Damn!)!!!!!!!

Therez a girl named ashley she is a new artist on Lil`Romeo record "The New No Limit" and she will be romeoz girlfriend
on the new season of romeo ,Master.P said that she will be getting romeo into trouble,Ashley is also in romeo "Girlfriend"
video she is the girl that ask 4 his #.

Contributed by Victoria Miller(lol)
